Prof. Dr. Roel Prins
Prof. Emeritus ETH Zürich
Roel Prins studied at the University of Amsterdam, and worked at Shell in Amsterdam and Emeryville, USA.
From 1977-1987 he was professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Eindhoven University of Technology and thereafter, until his
retirement in 2006, professor of Catalysis at the ETH in Zürich, Switzerland. Since 2006 he has been guest professor
at the Dalian University of Technology and consultant
for the Petrochina Petrochemical Research Institute in Beijing, China.
He was editor-in-chief of the Journal of Catalysis and responsible for submissions from Asia. He was Schuit lecturer at the University of
Delaware, Ipatieff lecturer at Northwestern University, guest professor at the Technical University in Delft and at the Pierre et
Marie Curie University in Paris. In 2009 he received the Distinguished Research Award of the Division of Petroleum Chemistry
of the American Chemical Society.